Let there be peace
Let there be love
Let there be joy in the world
Let there be hope for all the people
For every boy and every girl
Let there be peace
Let there be love
Let there be joy in the world
This is our wish for Christmas time
Let there be peace in the world
Verse 1
Wherever there is darkness
Let's try to bring some light
Like the stars that keep on shining
Through the cold and lonely night
Wherever there are tears and pain
Let's try to take the time
To be ready then to listen
To be gentle and be kind
Verse 2
Wherever there is fighting
And fingers point the blame
Let's remember we're all different
But we all need love the same
Respect each other's point of view
Even when we disagree
And show love to one another
Because love is all we need
CCLI: 4107475
Bible References

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