Verse 1
Take my life today
Let it flow with praise
I lay it at your feet
Lay it at your feet
Consecrated to you Lord and King
Verse 2
Take my heart and mind
Let them be refined
I lay them at your feet
Lay them at your feet
Consecrated to you Lord and King
Verse 3
Hallelujah Hallelujah
I'm laying at your feet
Laying at your feet
Consecrated to you Lord and King
Verse 4
Take my fragile love strengthened by your power
I lay it at your feet lay it at your feet
I lay it at your feet lay it at your feet
I lay it at your feet lay it at your feet
Consecrated to you Lord and King
O how I love my Saviour
O how I love you (Jesus)
Laying at your feet
Laying at your feet
Consecrated to you Lord and King
CCLI: 7041097
Genre / Suitable For

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